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  Fuelling a Revolution



Within South Yorkshire lies a unique network of 'Heritage Woodlands', all of which are at least 400 years old. All the woodlands in this programme are publically owned. These woodlands were, for thousands of years, a source of materials for building and agriculture, and fuel for the region's early iron and steel industry. As other materials replaced these products however, the woods became neglected. 'Fuelling a Revolution' is a five year programme, funded by the heritage Lottery Fund, which seeks to reverse this decline and restore 35 of the woodlands to their former glory.

This website aims to provide information about the woodlands and their restoration to people of all ages, both in South Yorkshire and further afield.
Detailed site information is now available for all the 35 areas of ancient woodland within the project.

To find information on your local ancient woodland, click on the appropriate wood on the

Location Map

As well as general information, the site contains descriptions and maps of all 35 woodlands. For schools, there is a comprehensive education section aimed at both children and teachers. Finally, don't miss the interactive activity, which gives a guided tour through the long history of the woodlands and a glimpse into their future.


Investigating Wood- a series of investigations for KS2 using standard samples of timber.

Click on the image to download the set.


Play, Learn

and Have Fun.

Click here to download this new booklet of dozens of indoor and outdoor games and activities with an environmental theme.




This professionally produced DVD and teacher's pack is now available.

The 15 minute film focuses on a project in Sheffield in 2006 in which a diseased Beech tree was felled and the timber distributed to craftspeople, artists and schools.

The resulting works are original and stunning and give an indication of what can be done to use timber sustainably. The film features interviews and demonstrations with artists and children.

The pack includes a fully illustrated book on the project as well as other resources on the sustainable use of timber.

To download a teachers information pack and worksheets click here.

The cost of the pack is £12 + £1 package and posting.

To order your copy e-mail

To find out more ring

0114 2571199

Click on the picture above to show a selection of pictures of the recent

schools Forest School taster sessions in Sheffield Winter Garden.

For more information, or if you are interested in developing

Forest School activities for your school,


Peter Machan at South Yorkshire Forest on 0114 2571199

Fuelling a Revolution Visit the Childrens part of the website Find out about how Schools can use the Heritage Woods Find out about Events in the Heritage Woods Find out about the Heritage Woodlands Find out about the Fuelling a Revolution programme

The key elements of this programme are;

-to restore the management of these woodlands for the benefit of people and wildlife

-to improve access to the woods

-to interpret the history of these woods for the public and to promote their use as an educational resource for schools.

NEW! Forest School Newsletter, Spring 2008

Forest School Newsletter Autumn 2007

Click on the above to download a copy of the latest schools newsletter.

The Outdoor Classroom

This new directory of local environmental organisations and sites for supporting schools with outdoor activities is available here now.

Ecclesall Woods Education Pack

The new education pack for the Friends of Ecclesall Wood is available to download here in three parts-

1. Introduction and History

2. Archaeology and Industry

3. Natural History and Management

Tree Tales and Trails

Click here to download this super new book

of stories, poems and guide to the trees of

Abbeyfield Park, Sheffield.

The Story From Tree to Table

Click on the image below to download this excellent

new series on the full story from a log to a table.

Fully illustrated with pupil activities and

step by step instructions on making your own table!

(With acknowledgements to Greg MacFarlane &

Lorraine Weeks, Lothian and Borders FEI)


National Grid for Learning badge Link to Virtual Teacher Centre

Part of the National Grid for Learning

Website News
This site was last updated in February 2008

Look at the new section on SUSTAINABLE DEVELOPMENT in the 'children's section.

A new section of resources for teachers and pupils worksheets has now been added to the SCHOOLS section of the site.


Heritage Lottery Fund Countryside Agency
Designed and produced by Actis Ltd Copyright 2001 Visit the Childrens part of the website Find out about how Schools can use the Heritage Woods Find out about Events in the Heritage Woods Find out about the Heritage Woodlands Find out about the Fuelling a Revolution programme